What is your WHY for being in the world? At the core of everyone’s existence, there’s a purpose.

@JohnCMaxwell is famed for saying, “the law of process says leaders develop daily, not in a day,

Yesterday, the CEO mentorship class made a case for Intentional Living, Choosing a Life That Matters, a book by John C. Maxwell, and a lot was discovered.

Part of which includes elevating others, muting selfishness, finding your WHY, and changing yourself first among others.

Dr. Evas Kansiime Atwiine, CEO at International Centre for Family Care, also spoke on the Work-Life Balance issue, an important all-around aspect of life.

“You can’t live a life of significance and purpose if you don’t know why you’re put on this earth.”

Highlights from the Intentional living session

Reactions from the Mentees:

Posha Aloyo

Obadia Ismail Otim


#NextMediaMentorship #CEOMentorship #NextMediaUG

Picture of Danze Edwin

Danze Edwin

Danze Edwin is a Ugandan Marketer, Content Curator, Television Show host, Producer, Gamer, Creative Media Personality, Social Media Influencer, and Brand Ambassador.

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